Doktorské projekty

Teoretická elektrotechnika, fyzika a matematika

Dallaeva, D. Surface Roughness of Aluminum Nitride Epilayers Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering
Chernikava, A. Partial Metric on Finite Formal Contexts
Jurčík, M. Production Technology of Cold-Emission Tungsten Cathodes with a Thin Epoxy Layer
Kašparec, M., Spohner, M. Changes Electric Property Composite in Dependencies on Size Elements
Klampar, M. New Findings in Research of Epoxides with Nano Fillers, Exposed to Ageing
Klampar, M., Spohner, M., Lontrasova, A. New Design for the Measurement of Liquids with Nanoparticles
Klimešová, M. Stochastic Differential Equations
Křehlík, Š. Relations between Hypergroups of Linear Differenital Operators in the Jacobi Form
Piddubna, G. Controllability Criterion for One Linear Matrix Delayed Equation
Podshivalov, A. Electromagnetic and Acoustic Emission Signals of Composite Materials in the Frequency Domain
Prokopyeva, E. The Description of a Local Biosensor for Biophotonics
Šicner, J. Influence of Laser Processing on Parameters of Silicon Solar Cells
