Magisterské projekty

Biomedicínské inženýrství a bioinformatika

Janů, J. Wavelet Wiener Filter of ECG Signals
Kolářová, D. Methods for Infrared Thermography with Detection of Specific Facial Areas
Malinka, F. Prediction of Protein Stability upon Mutations Using Machine Learning
Novotná, V. Investigation of Electron Beam Induced Mass Loss of Embedding Media in the Low Voltage STEM
Pavlík, D. Prediction of Protein Stability upon Mutations Using Evolution Strategy
Pelikán, O. Predicting the Effect of Amino Acid Substitutions on Protein Function Using MAPP Method
Strakoš, L. Emotional Stimulation
Šalanda, V. Optimization of the Next-Generation Sequencing Data Alignment
Tomanová, M. Controlling of Myoelectric Prosthesis
