Magisterské projekty

Zpracování signálů, obrazu a dat

Demel, J. Vertebrae Lesion Segmentation Using Graph Cuts
Dvořáková, L. Quantification of T1 for Preclinical Cardiac MRI
Egorova, E. Multi-task Neural Networks for Speech Recognition
Frenštátský, P. Measurement of Total Harmonic Distortion Using Goertzel Algorithm
Janovič, T. Contour Shape Classification for Detection of Mis-Segmented Bones in CT Data
Kardoš, J. Evaluating Realistic Tsunami Simulations with SWE Model
Machala, P. Temporal Analysis of Pulsed UHF PD Signal and PD Source Localization
Moldříková, Z. Methods of Noise Suppression for Speech Recognition Systems
Novosadová, M. Segmentation of 3D Image Data Using Advanced Textural and Shape Features
Novotný, O. Adaptation of Speaker Recognition Systems
Onderka, J. Adaptive Optimisation of Quantization Tables Used in JPEG Compression
Povoda, L. Real and Synthetic Benchmarks for Job Shop Scheduling in Logistic Warehouses
Sochor, J. Fully Automated Real-Time Traffic Analysis from Video
Válková, H. Modelling in Perfusion MR Imaging
