Doktorské projekty
Teoretická elektrotechnika, fyzika a matematika
Dallaeva, D. |
Morphology and Structural Investigation of Aluminum Nitride Layers Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering |
Chernikava, A. |
Closure Properties of the Formal Contexts |
Klampár, M., Szőcs, J., Lontrasová, A. |
New Ways of Fabrication of Experimental Samples for Dielectrical Measurements |
Křehlík, ©. |
Quasi–multiautomata Formed by Continuous Functions and by Second-order Linear Differential Operators in the Jacobi Form |
Piddubna, G. |
Controllability and Control Construction for Linear Matrix Systems with Delay |
Prokopyeva, E. |
Electrical Properties of Meat |
Sergeev, E. |
Morphology Difference of Identical Prepared Field-Emitters |
Spohner, M., Cséfalvay, G. |
Mineral Oils and Methyl Esters of Natural Oils in Electrical Engineering |
Vondra, M. |
The Luminous Characteristics of OLED Light Panel |